Most people tend to skip their training because of soreness and pains in their joints? Do you fall into this category? You need a good massage ball, lacrosse ball, or a foam roller to help you ease the pain by applying a myofascial release massage after your workout. You could do it at home or with the aid of your trainer. There are numerous brands available in the market currently. Buying the best tool will guarantee better results.
The pressure that these tools provide aids in improving blood flow circulation and treating pain in the skeletal muscle. The firm pressure also helps wake up sensory receptors in the body, thus makes you more aware of your body and how it moves. Awakening the body, filling it with life. These tools are directly used on the trigger point of the pain including specific pain spots. This guide will help you narrow your choices in your quest for pain relief with the use of myofascial release tools.

Self- Myofascial Release (SMR) Massage Tools
The most popular Self- Myofascial release (SMR) massage tools are –
- Foam roller – The most popular choice. This is easy to use, and uses your weight and gravity to apply pressure from underneath the body. This works best for people who want to purchase this tool with respect to a specific area of the body. It is extremely effective and efficient when used appropriately and with the required pressure especially on people who are suffering from back pain, tight hips and calves, or knee pain. Foam rollers come in different densities, textures, shapes and sizes all of which effects how they feel and who they are best suited for.
- Ball – This is mainly used when treating smaller areas of muscle. It is used slightly similar to a roller. When getting this tool, you primarily need to focus on the size and density of the tool. Thus, when choosing the best tool look at the use of the tool, the area of the use, and preferred pressure on the area. You have the option of tapping or linking balls together to allow them to run along the side of areas such as the spine. This tool works best for relieving pain in the glutes, shoulders, and the lower back area. You have various options in this category. You could settle for pro circle therapy massage balls, lacrosse balls, and even tennis balls to start up the Self- Myofascial release (SMR) massage. The following are the available massage ball options in the market –
- Foot rubs massage ball: This is not a popular option, but it comes highly recommended for people who feel back pain and pain in the feet and hands. It is small in size in comparison to the other balls, but it still performs as good as any other trigger ball in the market. It is used for the feet and hands. The other balls can also be used on these areas, but the foot rubs massage ball does the trick.
- Lacrosse ball: People have tried to make better options for this ball, but it still pretty much ends up looking the same. They are made from amazingly dense material. They are a durable and dense massage ball option this is why most people who want long-term use settle for this ball. It is also popular with people who want to use it as a massage and working out tool.
- Tennis ball: This is the normal tennis ball. It is shaped the same as a lacrosse ball. This is a good option for people who aim at pain relief with a less dense massage ball. They could also double up as amazing workout tools. Tennis balls are highly accessible and affordable in comparison to all the massage ball options.
- Peanut Ball – Shaped like a peanut, or 2 balls taped together. This shape contours to the body’s form and covers a wider area, and allows to nest easily on either side of your spine or other long bones such as the leg. Use it on the floor or against a wall to relieve tension around the spine, back and neck.
- Specialized shaped balls – Unlike the usual balls, this one has a flat bottom that allows the user to maintain a fixed position of the ball when using it.
- Theracane / Trigger Point Wand / Back Buddy – These specialty tools work best for people who want to manually tend to body areas that are not accessible by hand. These areas include the glutes, shoulders, and neck, among other body parts. It works best for spot treatment rather than rolling it on the desired area.
Consider the following when trying to figure out which Self- Myofascial release (SMR) massage tool to use –
- Ease of use since you will want something that is easy to sue and able to help with pain relief at your easiest convenience. You could try a tool that has an instruction manual that could guide you on effective and efficient use.
- Return guarantee to enable you to try it out and see how effective the tool is. If the tool does not work for you, you should be able to return or exchange the tool for a more efficient one.
- Effectiveness, durability, and versatility to aid you in pain relief on all parts of the body and help you feel better for every use. You will want to purchase something that delivers fast results since your pain must be intolerable at this point. It should be able to help you get pain relief in those hard to reach areas. The tool should be able to last as long as you want to use it.